
Showing posts from September, 2017

Democrats and Republicans disagreeing

In the twenty-first century, change is more constant than Democrats and Republicans disagreeing. Fads and trends are set, followed, and disappear as soon as they come. As a teenager, finding out who you are is difficult enough without the media pushing you to have this product, wear this brand, or groups in society persuading you that they have the best ideas and will do something great.

Nationalism killed humanism

Earlier, when "Nationalism killed humanism" happened, Fromm was addressing groups conjured during the war. Groups that began during the time of war made everyone feel as if they were contributing and being a patriot; in reality they were stealing the member's individuality. "The "organization man" is not aware that he obeys; he believes that he only conforms with what is rational and practical." (Fromm/Jacobus 332)